
Showing posts from April, 2019

War of the Spark Fully Spoiled and No New Retro-Modern Cards!

What a letdown! No new cards from War of the Spark. "But what did you expect from a Plainswalker focus set!" I hear you say... So true, no idea why we were expecting a reprint of a formerly non-modern card in a set that has the new school levels cranked to 11. The Modern Horizons on the way it makes sense that WotC would want to keep the new school new and the old school saved for their next money maker. Good things come to those who wait.

Modern Horizons Reprint Picks (that impact Retro-Modern)

Modern Horizons is going to be an interesting set for Magic and particularly  Retro-Modern . It promises a large number of reprints that are new to the Modern format. That means cards predating 8th Edition, which would now be Retro-Modern legal, as well as cards from Commander, Battlebond, Conspiracy, and other recent specialty sets could all now see the light at the end of the Modern tunnel. When predicting which cards they will actually reprint, there are a few considerations that I think WotC has to keep in mind: Card Supply - How many of these newly legal reprints are already in the wild? Modern is a huge format and available inventory of cards is going to be important to prohibit massive spikes in card prices. Modern Horizons will have a significant print run, but WotC has to be realistic about introducing high-demand cards with limited supply. I am generally looking at cards that have been printed at least twice before, preferably in a relatively recent set. Card Price...

Retro-Modern has an Expanding Card Pool

Retro-Modern has all the best elements of Magic the Gathering: balance, power, nostalgia, board development, strategy, collectibility, expansion and it is just plain old fun! Retro Magic is a little different than other nostalgic formats ( Old School , QL Magic , etc.) in that the card pool and meta continue to expand and shift. Cards either become legal in one of two ways: A reprint in a Modern legal set from a set that predates 8th Edition (July 28th, 2003) A Modern legal card is printed on the old style frames; generally some sort of promo card.  Sets released in the last few years usually have at least one reprinted card that is new to Modern. Sometimes the cards are powerful, sometimes they change the meta, and other times they simply boost the card pool and add some new tricks to existing decks.  Dominaria was a set which had many reprints and some very powerful, meta-shifting cards. Goblin Warchief being very significant for Goblin Tribal.  Rep...

Deck Tech: Trisket Tron

This seemingly odd smattering of cards ends up being a fairly potent force if harnessed correctly. Essentially, it is a lock deck where you assemble tron, then use your extensive amounts of mana and draw to be able to go a full cycle with Magistrate's Scepter every turn using Voltaic Keys. At that point, you can beat down your opponent or pick them apart by reloading Triskelion with Dragon Blood. Weathered Wayfarer helps you find tron pieces as needed and the rest of the deck is designed to control and outlast your opponent or draw cards. Glorious Anthem pumps your weenies and keeps Mindless Automation on the board after you have drained it for a draw. If you end up with too many Howling Mines you can turn them off with Icy Manipulator or use the excess draw to pump Mindless Automation if you need the beats. With tron and a Key on the board Dragon Blood actually can swing the board. Wall of Essence and Wrath of God are big sideboard pieces if y...

War of the Spark

War of the Spark spoilers are in full swing and we are keeping our eyes peeled for a pre-modern reprint to boost our card pool. Even one new card for the format would be awesome before Modern Horizons promises to give us some new power and revamp the retro-modern meta! When you see the card count tick above 906 you'll new we have some new ammo! You can check out the spoilers for War of the Spark here .