Retro-Modern has an Expanding Card Pool

Retro-Modern has all the best elements of Magic the Gathering: balance, power, nostalgia, board development, strategy, collectibility, expansion and it is just plain old fun!

Retro Magic is a little different than other nostalgic formats (Old School, QL Magic, etc.) in that the card pool and meta continue to expand and shift. Cards either become legal in one of two ways:
  1. A reprint in a Modern legal set from a set that predates 8th Edition (July 28th, 2003)
  2. A Modern legal card is printed on the old style frames; generally some sort of promo card. 
Sets released in the last few years usually have at least one reprinted card that is new to Modern. Sometimes the cards are powerful, sometimes they change the meta, and other times they simply boost the card pool and add some new tricks to existing decks. 

Dominaria was a set which had many reprints and some very powerful, meta-shifting cards. Goblin Warchief being very significant for Goblin Tribal. 

Reprint heavy sets by WotC, like Modern Horizons, could make for exciting shifts in the Retro-Modern Magic landscape and new cards are always welcome to the format. 

Also, another Time-Shifted or throwback set with new cards on original frames would also inject more ammunition into the format. Either way the format grows and evolves with WotC, but keeps the nostalgia and balance we love about Magic.
