Deck Tech: Trisket Tron
This seemingly odd smattering of cards ends up being a fairly potent force if harnessed correctly. Essentially, it is a lock deck where you assemble tron, then use your extensive amounts of mana and draw to be able to go a full cycle with Magistrate's Scepter every turn using Voltaic Keys. At that point, you can beat down your opponent or pick them apart by reloading Triskelion with Dragon Blood.
Weathered Wayfarer helps you find tron pieces as needed and the rest of the deck is designed to control and outlast your opponent or draw cards.
Glorious Anthem pumps your weenies and keeps Mindless Automation on the board after you have drained it for a draw. If you end up with too many Howling Mines you can turn them off with Icy Manipulator or use the excess draw to pump Mindless Automation if you need the beats.
With tron and a Key on the board Dragon Blood actually can swing the board.
Wall of Essence and Wrath of God are big sideboard pieces if you need to hold of fast decks. Aura of Silence removes your Blood Moons and other irritants.
All around it is very fun to play especially when you get your lock with 4 or less life. It can be a little fragile to tron/artifact hate, but you can sideboard into a grindy midrange deck if needed.
What do you think?
// Trisket Tron v3
// 60 Maindeck
// 14 Artifact
4 Dragon Blood
4 Voltaic Key
2 Magistrate's Scepter
2 Howling Mine
2 Icy Manipulator
// 19 Creature
4 Mindless Automaton
4 Triskelion
4 Weathered Wayfarer
3 Loyal Sentry
2 Starlight Invoker
2 True Believer
// 3 Enchantment
3 Glorious Anthem
// 24 Land
4 Urza's Tower
4 Urza's Power Plant
4 Urza's Mine
12 Plains
// 15 Sideboard
// 4 Creature
SB: 4 Wall of Essence
// 3 Enchantment
SB: 3 Aura of Silence
// 8 Sorcery
SB: 4 Wrath of God
SB: 4 Resurrection
Pretty cool!